Frequently Asked Questions
I saw Dr. Mashayekhi before, at Palomar Health Medical Group (PHMG)/Arch Health; what do I need to know?
How to re-establish care with Dr. Mashay ?
To re-establish care as a new patient Dr. Mashayekhi at her new private practice, Dr. PM Sleep and Wellness, complete the forms found on the Patient Resources webpage under “Prior Patients Seen At Palomar Health Medical Group (PHMG) .” We look forward to seeing you in our new clinic and providing you with the highest level of personalized care.
The practice accepts most insurance carriers and is an in-network provider for Palomar Health/Sharp Community Health Group. If you have an HMO plan, you will need to get a new referral and authorization. Please request authorization from your PCP/referring provider.
I am worried about not having my medication refills, what do I do?
Do not worry, for medication refills, when appropriate, email or call 858-224-1866. Please note business hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
How to obtain PHMG medical records for your future appointment with Dr. Mashay?
Step 1 – To transfer records from PHMG to Dr. Mashay’s new office: Record Release Form
Step 2 – IMPORTANT – DO NOT DATE the bottom of the first page or the release will expire on the date written.
Step 3 – Email this signed form to and to have your records transferred.
Note: If you have seen Dr. PM for Sleep Medicine and Weight Management, please note this on the email. If you were also a prior Dr. Mindy Cetel patient, please note this on the email.
Where are Dr. Mashay's new office locations ?
Dr. PM Sleep and Wellness Medical Center Locations:
- 12395 El Camino Real, Suite 209, San Diego, CA 92130
- 3230 Waring Court, Suite C, Oceanside, CA 92056
Do you take my insurance?
We take Medicare, Tricare, most PPOs, Sharp Health, and many more. If you have an HMO, you will require a referral and authorization. Please email the following information to confirm that we are in-network with your insurance.
- Full name
- Date of Birth
- Photos of the front and back of your insurance card
What is Sleep Medicine?
Sleep Medicine physicians specialize in diagnosis and treatment of disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep (insomnia), disorders of abnormal sleep (parasomnias), as well as disorders of excessive daytime sleepiness.
Sleep medicine is a multidisciplinary specialty, which involves neurology, ENT, pulmonary, psychiatry/psychologists in addition to primary care physicians.
Although 50% of the population has had a sleep disorder at some point in their life, most of these are temporary and generally require temporary treatment, depending on the type of disorder. Sleep disorders that are more long-standing probably should be evaluated by physicians who have received specialty training in sleep medicine and have a better understanding of new diagnostic and treatment approaches in all types of sleep disorders.
What are some Treatments for Sleep Disorders?
- Nasal CPAP and BiPAP
- Surgical Options
- Weight Loss
- Behavior Modification
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia
- Medications
What are some Tests for Sleep Disorders?
- Polysomnography
- Multiple Sleep Latency Testing
- Various Home Sleep Apnea tests
- Sleep Diary
- Actigraphy
- Other Diagnostic Tests
Where Can I Find Additional Information on Sleep Disorders?
Here are some additional links for more information:
Can I Schedule a Sleep Study?
Yes! Please schedule an appointment and we will evaluate if a home sleep test or an in-lab sleep study is more appropriate.
Do I Have Sleep Apnea?
Take the quiz here.
What are other Sleep-Related Disorders, besides Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
- Primary Snoring
- Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome
- Obesity-Hypoventilation Syndrome
- Insomnia
- Narcolepsy
- Nightmare Disorder
- Sleepwalking
- REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
What is the Difference Between Being Overweight and being obese?
What is the main cause of Obesity?
Why is Obesity a growing problem?
What is the best way to lose weight?
How much weight will I lose?
What treatment options are usually covered or not covered by health insurance?
We can run your insurance to determine your eligibility for coverage.
Am I a candidate for Bariatric Surgery?
Feel free to ask the doctor during your visit.
Dr. PM Sleep and Wellness Medical Center
2 Different Locations to Serve You!
Phone: 858-224-1866
Fax: 858-207-5042

Carmel Valley
12395 El Camino Real
Suite 209
San Diego, CA 92130
3230 Waring Court
Suite C
Oceanside, CA 92056
All content and information on this website are for informational and educational purposes only and is not a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a medical professional or healthcare provider. Dr. PM Corp is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.